
Spring 2017 Globalization Program

S17 Co-curricular, site visits, field trips, rescheduled classes
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S1701 History of Venice (Italy core)
Venice International University
Pes Luca
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S1702 Italian Contemporary History in Films (Italy core)
Venice International University
Pes Luca
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S1703A Italian for Foreigners: beginner level - CEFR A1 (Italy core) 09.15am
Venice International University
Ferro Giacomo
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S1703B Italian for Foreigners:beginner level - CEFR A1 (Italy core) 11am
Venice International University
Brunzin Massimo
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S1703C Italian for Foreigners: beginner level - CEFR A1 (Italy core) 11am
Venice International University
Ferro Giacomo
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S1703D Italian for Foreigners: intermediate level - CEFR B1 (Italy core) 09.15am
Venice International University
Lo Giudice Ivan
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S1703E Italian for Foreigners: intermediate level - CEFR B1 (Italy core) 11am
Venice International University
Lo Giudice Ivan
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S1704 Art and Architecture in Renaissance Venice (Italy core)
Università Iuav di Venezia
Centanni Monica, Bastianello Elisa
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S1705 Shakespeare’s Venice
Duke University
Eisner Martin
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S1706 Entertainment Business. Venice and the Invention of Commercial Music Theater
Zöller Günter
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S1707 The History of Printing in Venice in the Renaissance
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Perilli Lorenzo
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S1708 Intercultural Communication (Cultures of the World core)
Waseda University
Elwood Kate
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S1709 Gender Studies (Cultures of the World core)
Université de Lausanne
Thorburn Jennifer
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S1710 Comparing East and West (Cultures of the World core)
Zöller Günter
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S1711 Otherness, Race and Culture
Boston College
Bloechl Jeffrey
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S1712 The Sociolinguistics of Cyberspace
Université de Lausanne
Thorburn Jennifer
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S1713 The Method of Science in Transcultural Perspective
Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”
Perilli Lorenzo
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S1714 Identity, Heritage and Globalization (Global Challenges core)
Waseda University
Elwood Kate
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S1715 Globalization, Ethics, Welfare and Human Rights (Global Challenges core)
Università Iuav di Venezia
Ostanel Elena
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S1716 Global Governance for Peace and Security, Cooperation and Development (Global Challenges core)
Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia
De Vido Sara
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S1717 Globalization, Social Pathology, and the Question of Healing
Boston College
Bloechl Jeffrey
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S1718 Globalization, Environment and Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
Venice International University
Musu Ignazio, Mannino Ilda
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S1719 Cities, Global Change and Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
Università Iuav di Venezia
Turvani Margherita, Basso Matteo
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S1720 Coastal Wetlands, Lagoon and Estuaries: Environmental Monitoring and Management (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
Venice International University
Silvestri Sonia
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S1721 Listening to the Lagoon City. Lost Islands (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
Università Iuav di Venezia
Cipriani Laura
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S1722 Introduction to Economic Growth (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
European University at St. Petersburg
Borisov Kirill, Vymyatnina Yulia
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S1723 Macroeconomics and Economic Crises (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
European University at St. Petersburg
Borisov Kirill, Vymyatnina Yulia
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S1724 Innovation and Social Changes (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
Université de Bordeaux
Lung Yannick
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S1725 Societal Issues of the Automobile (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
Université de Bordeaux
Lung Yannick
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S1726 The Mysteries of Italian Port Cities
Duke University
Eisner Martin
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