
This is an archived site of Venice International University.


To access VIU current website visit www.univiu.org


Conferences, Workshops, Seminars and Summer Schools at VIU

Venice International University - VIU - offers its organizational support and unique venue on the island of San Servolo to its Associated Members and other Research Centers or Academic Institutions who wish to organize academic and scientific Conferences, Workshops and  Summer Schools in cooperation with VIU.

What VIU can offer:

  • a unique venue in the setting of the Venice Lagoon
  • conference and seminar rooms of varying capacity (from 20 to 100 seats), catering lobbies, staff offices etc.
  • all necessary technological equipment (video projectors, PCs connected to the Internet, audio systems, conference call support)
  • WiFi connection for all participants
  • access to a self-service cafeteria and bar
  • support in finding accommodation with third party providers (either on the island of San Servolo or in hotels in Venice)
  • support in finding catering services for coffee breaks etc. with third party providers
  • support in finding audio-video technical assistance, interpreting etc. for special requirements

How to apply:

  • send a request to the Conference Office ( This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it) briefly describing the nature of the event and who the organizers are
  • Venice International University staff will contact you and provide all the necessary information

Please note that:

  • Venice International University is not a conference center
  • Venice International University, as an academic institution, prides itself on its human touch in providing support to other academic institutions
  • Venice International University does not manage the accommodation facilities nor the catering facilities
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