Fall 2001

September 30 - October 06, 2001
Ernst Troeltsch and his intellectual environment. Conflicts, networks and intellectual politics at the Berlin University 1910-1925
Prof. Friedrich Wilhelm Graf, Faculty of Protestant Theology, LMU

October 07 - 13, 2001
Incompleteness in Economics
Prof. Ray Rees, Center for Economic Studies (CES), LMU

October 07 - 13, 2001
Comparative Pedagogy of Religion – Religious Education in Europe
Prof. Alfred Gleissner, Department of Catholic Religion, LMU

October 28 – November 03, 2001
Recent Approaches to Comparative Syntax: Role & reference Grammar and Optimality Theory
Prof. Dietmar Zaefferer, Department of Theoretic Linguistic, LMU

November 05 - 09, 2001
The Science of Sound: Aesthetic Issues
Prof. Hans G. Tillmann, Director of the Institute for Phonetics and Linguistic Communication, LMU

November 10 - 17, 2001
Gender in Greek and Roman antiquity. Ideal & reality in the relationship of men and women
Prof. Tanja Scheer, Department of History, LMU

November 18 - 24, 2001
Rationality and Beyond
Prof. Norman Braun, Institute for Sociology, LMU
Prof. Thomas Hinz, Institute for Sociology, LMU

November 26 - 30, 2001
Mirror of the sacred
Christian Art in the context of religious experience
Prof. Ludwig Mödl, Department of Catholic Religion, LMU

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