VIU Summer School on Critical Infrastructure Resilience

June 26 – 30, 2017

Venice International University, Isola di San Servolo

Application deadline: March 24, 2017

admitted candidates will be notified by April 3, 2017.


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personal data Student data


The data required for this application are marked with a red asterisk.


pagamenti Participation fees

Students of VIU member-universities: € 300 incl. VAT.
Students of other universities/professionals: € 600 incl. VAT.

The fees will cover tuition, course materials, accommodation in multiple rooms at the VIU campus, lunches in the VIU cafeteria and Social events. Student participants will be responsible for covering their own travel expenses to and from Venice and local transportation.


invoice Accommodation


The accommodation package includes 6 nights in a shared room on campus from Sunday (check in) to Saturday (check out)

Accommodation *


grant The following documents are required to complete your application




Applications can be submitted only if you upload all required documents. File extensions accepted are: pdf, doc, docx, odt, txt, rtf, jpg, jpeg, png




Please include a brief description of your research interests.


Only jpeg files will be accepted. Should be at least 300px x 380px. Max size allowed 1,5MB. File name must be your Last Name (e.g. brown.jpg)

Selection committee:

Prof. Erdem Ergin, University of Tor Vergata/ World Bank – Coordinator

Dr. Ilda Mannino, Venice International University


Further information:

Venice International University
Isola di San Servolo
30133 Venice - Italy

Tel. +39 041 2719 511
Fax +39 041 2719 510



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I agree to allow Venice International University to use my personal data for administrative purposes or services provided by the University (Italian Law 196/03)


I agree *


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