Macroeconomics, Growth, and the Environment

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2017 Summer School EAERE-FEEM-VIU

Macroeconomics, Growth, and the Environment


Venice, July 2-8, 2017


The 2017 Summer School will take place from the 2nd to the 8th of July at the VIU campus on the Island of San Servolo, in Venice, located just in front of St. Mark's Square. The topic covered by the 2017 Summer School is the Macroeconomics, Growth, and the Environment.


Some of the most pressing environmental and resource problems – including climate change, deforestation, urban air pollution – are closely related to economic growth. Environmental policies have macroeconomic impacts. The aim of the Summer School is to provide tools and methods to study the intersection between macroeconomics, economic growth, and the environment.


The lectures will first present theories of how environmental problems are coupled to – and can be decoupled from – population growth and technical change in the long run and will present work on how environmental policies affect the macroeconomy, growth and the direction of technological change. We will study green growth policies, long-run carbon pricing policies and the political and distributional aspects of environmental policies, with special attention to threshold effects and tipping points. The methods used in the summer school are mainly analytically-solvable dynamic models, calibrated models, and stochastic models.



Faculty and Lecture Topics:



Frisch Centre Oslo, Norway

Topic: Inter- and intragenerational equity, climate finance, migration, north-south models.



Duke University, USA

Topic: Schumpeterian and Malthusian growth models with resources and population dynamics, sustainability, and the industrial-organization perspective.



City University of Hong Kong, China

Topic: Aspects of thresholds, irreversibility and uncertainty in macroeconomic environmental policies.



Vienna University of Economics, Austria

Topic: Social Cost of Carbon, political economy, overlapping generations models.


Sjak SMULDERS (School coordinator)

Tilburg University, The Netherlands

Topic: Directed technical change, green growth policies.



Admission and Fee

The Summer School is aimed at Ph.D. students who are writing a thesis on the dynamic macro-economics of environmental and resource problems or climate change and want to engage into a highly interactive exchange with experts in the field. Students will be asked to present an advanced version of their research work and will receive valuable feedback from fellow students and from the School professors.


Application is restricted to 2017 EAERE members, both European and non European citizens.
The application form, information on participation fee and scholarships, and the Summer School regulations are available in the Summer School website.




15 FEB 2017: Deadline for applications.

1 MAR 2017: Acceptance notifications will be sent out from the March 1st, 2017.

15 MAR 2017: Deadline for payment of the participation fee.

1 JUN 2017: Delivery of final papers: Final papers for presentation must be received by the Summer School Secretariat before the June 1st, 2017.


Summer School Secretariat

Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei

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