Call for Applications

VIU Summer Institute on Ageing 2017

Application Form

VIU summer School on Ageing: program structure

VIU Summer Institute on Ageing

What is about

The VIU Summer Institute on ageing will:

  1. provide students and trainees with a thorough understanding of the ageing process, offering notions of the medical and epidemiological recent literature to the socio-economic advances in this research area
  2. enhance the multidisciplinary approach for researchers who work on ageing
  3. provide “hands on” experience on the micro data-sets
  4. increase the mobility and the inter-connectivity of PhD students, researchers, teaching staff and policy makers, hence favouring the creation of research networks

The 2016 edition has a focus on Asian countries

Learning outcomes

  1. participants will gain special insight into the recent advances of the ageing process from a theoretical and practical point of view and will be able to perform impact evaluation (e.g. health care costs);
  2. participants will learn how to use the data in this area of research
  3. participants will be offered the opportunity to share their ideas in a poster-sessions and during social events
  4. participants will develop transversal competences based on a multidisciplinary approach. Specific training sessions, such as “revolving conversations”, will take place.
  5. policy makers and people involved in public policy and public services will be able to learn how to connect issues between the health dimension of ageing and the socio-economic dimension of ageing.

Who can apply

The Summer Institute is addressed mainly to graduate and PhD students in social sciences (economics, sociology, demography, political science), to MDs particularly geriatrics, students in epidemiology, public health. Moreover, policy makers and high-level officials in public and private institutions will be admitted if their background is adequate

Program structure

The Summer Institute will consist of three blocks of activities

1. Morning lectures from leading researchers addressing the most recent advances in the area. Presentations in the fields of biomedicine, geriatrics, genetics, epidemiology, patient care, psychiatry, as well as economics of ageing, pension economics and finance, health economics, public health, demography and sociology.

2 Hands on sessions in the afternoon.

Provide students a thorough presentation of the survey data on ageing available to the scientific community. The 2016 VIU-Summer Institute will focus on datasets such as SHARE, ELSA, TILDA, CHARLS and new data from South East Asia.

3. Poster sessions and revolving conversations

Students are invited to prepare a poster about their ongoing research: a paper they are working on or other preliminary work. Poster sessions will be held every day around lunch time: students will have the opportunity to discuss their own research with the senior scholars.

In dedicated slots participants will be asked to present to a fellow student – sitting opposite to her - a research idea in no more than 10 minutes.

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are 1,800 euro including VAT.

The tuition fee covers also accommodation (double rooms) and meals expenditures offered by VIU.

Candidates can request a grant in order to support tuition expenses.

The Summer School is co-organized by Venice International University, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, Université de Lausanne, Università degli Studi di Padova.


June 6 - 10, 2016

Applications deadline: May 6, 2016


San Servolo island, Venice, Italy

Contact and info:

Complete information about the program is available


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