Call for Applications

VIU Summer Institute on Ageing 2017

Application Form

Summer School on Ageing: schedule 2016

Schedule 2016 


Monday, 6th
9.00am-9.15am: Opening
9.15am-10.45am: Cornel Sieber - "Evidence-based Medicine (Ebm) for older adults: Existing evidence, challenges and future directions"
11.00am-12.30pm: Amitabh Chandra  - "The Innovation Dilemma in Healthcare"

12.45pm-1.45pm: Lunch and Poster presentations

2.00pm-3.30pm: Lisa Berkman - "Work family and healthy ageing: the "longish" arm of early and middle adulthood"

3.30pm-5.00pm: Stefania Maggi - "Epidemiology of chronic diseases"

Tuesday, 7th
9.15am-10.45am: Agar Brugiavini - "Retirment decisions, pensions systems and inequalities"
11.00am-12.30pm: James Banks - "Using International Comparisons for Ageing Research: Evidence from ELSA, HRS and SHARE"
12.45pm-1.45pm: Lunch and Poster presentations
2.00pm-3.30pm: Drystan Phillips - "Doing Research with harmonized HRS-ELSA-SHARE data"
3.30pm-5.00pm: Hands on session: SHARE

Wednesday, 8th

9.15am-10.30am: Juergen Maurer - "Aging, Heakth and Subjective Wellbeing: Concepts, Measures and Exploratory Evidence from Low-and Middle-income Countries" 
11.00am-12.30pm: Rob Alessie - "Economic analysis of inter generational wealth transfers"

12.45pm-1.45pm: Lunch and Poster presentations
2.00pm-3.30pm: Emily Sinnott - "Ageing in Developing Countries"
3.30pm-5.00pm: John T. Giles - "Population Ageing, Internal Migration and Elderly Well-Being: Evidence from China, Vietnam and Thailand"

Thursday, 09th
9.15am-10.45am: Anne Nolan - "Insurance, Utilisation and Health: Evidence from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)"
11.00am-12.30pm: Mauricio Avendano - "Socioeconomic inequalities in healthy ageing"
12.45pm-1.45pm: Lunch and Poster presentations
2.00pm-3.30pm: Christine McGarrigle - "Intergenerational transfers and informal caring within the family and associated health and wellbeing outcomes: evidence from TILDA"  
3.30pm-5.00pm: Hands on session: TILDA

Friday, 10th
9.15am-11.00pm: M. Giovanna Merli - "Fertility and other demographic trends in China and their implications"
11.00am-12.30pm: Michael Hurd - "Subjective Probabilities: their Design and Use in Household Surveys"

12.45pm-1.45pm: Lunch and Poster presentations

2.00pm-3.30pm: Susann Rohwedder - "Forecasting trends in labor force participation"
3.30pm-5.00pm: hands on session: SHARELIFE

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