Lectio Magistralis, Spring 2017 Term Opening Ceremony




Thursday, 23 February 2017

at 5pm, Aula Magna


Opening Remarks

Amb. Umberto Vattani


Prof. Carlo Giupponi



Honored Guest

Prof. Massimo Inguscio

President of the National Research Council – CNR, Italy



Lectio Magistralis

Research for a Sustainable World

The Environment is our challenge and a sustainable development our goal. Many programs and agreements are being signed all over the world to preserve our Planet’s health. In this scenery, it is extremely important to focus on the proper strategy to adopt, in order to reach our objectives. Massimo Inguscio will discuss the fundamental role of synergy of expertise and research, key words to approach the future and to warrant a sustainable world.


Massimo Inguscio is President of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR), of which he had previously directed the Department of Physical Sciences; formerly president of the Institute of Metrological Research National (INRIM), he is member of the National Academy of Lincei and received the prestigious Légion d’Honneur acknowledgement by the French Government. His researches were awarded the Enrico Fermi prize of Italian Physical Society, the Herbert Walther Award of the Optical Society of America and the German Physical Society. Prof. Inguscio has been included in the Thomson-Reuters list of "most influential scientific minds" for his activities in atomic physics research close to absolute zero. Short bio and scientific activity


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