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Course for Sustainability - Year 2005 - 2006

Course for Sustainability: Strategies, Methodologies, Policies and Actions for Central and Eastern Europe

In 2005-2006 the 3th edition of the Course for Sustainability took place in Hungary (Szentendre and Budapest) and Venice, at San Servolo Island. Ten countries were involved in the course: Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia-Montenegro, Slovenia and Turkey.

54 participants joined in the following training sessions:

Module Location Agenda
Oct 10-19, 2005
Sustainable Development: Introduction and Analysis
Hungary pdf download
Jan 23 - Feb 3, 2006
Energy and Industry
Venice pdf download
Mar 20 - 31, 2006
Sustainable Urban Settlement
Venice pdf download
May 2 - 12, 2006
Rural Development and Natural Resources
Venice pdf downolad
Sept 18 - 22, 2006
Sustainability in Practice
Venice pdf download


Moreover, in September 2006 the first Alumni Conference was organised. The aim of the Alumni Conference is make the policies and programmes of participants’ governments more sustainable - environmentally, socially and economically; a second goal is to reinforce and encourage the use of the personal relationships fostered among course alumni and project partners. Purpose of Alumni Conference is also to continue the learning and information-sharing process focusing on sustainability in practice.



Alumni Conference
A selection of 20 participants from the 1st and 2nd editions of the Course Sustainability took part in the first edition of Course for Sustainability Alumni Conference:

Module Location Agenda
Sept 24 - 26, 2006
Alumni Conference
Venice pdf download




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