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"Atlante Green" Project

The project, carried out between 2011 and 2014 with the support o f the Italian Ministry of the Environment, Land and Sea, aims at creating a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences on environmental sustainability for Italian firms.

The project was developed in two phases. In 2011-2012 the project started mapping the Italian companies already walking on the path of sustainability, while publishing on a dedicate website news and case studies in order to stimulate other firms to start an innovation process. The second phase of the project, developed in 2014, aimed at providing Italian companies with information and knowledge useful for promoting their green products and activities also abroad, and kept enlarging the mapping and networking of green firms.

At the links below you can find most of the material* elaborated for the Atlante Green Project.



Legislation and labels


Green news and case studies


Atlante of Italian Green Firms (under construction)



*Please note that, since the project was aimed at an Italian audience, all the texts are in Italian.

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