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"Greening the Green Revolution: Food Security, Safety" International Workshop

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On December 12-13, 2013, the International Workshop "Greening the Green Revolution: Food Security, Safety & Quality" was held at Venice international University on San Servolo Campus. The initiative was organized in partnership with the School of Asian Studies and Business Management and the Department of Economics, Ca' Foscari University of Venice.


The Workshop was inspired by the "Save and Grow" program recently launched by FAO, which aims to build a sustainable agriculture moving from the clear evidence that, although agriculture based on the intensive use of inputs has increased global food production and average per capita food consumption, also significantly reducing the number of chronically hungry, this has implied depletion of natural resources, negative environmental pressures, contributing to the climate change problem.

Selected participants from Europe, India and China explored the increasingly important issue of food security within the wider challenge to build a sustainable and productive agriculture in a world where not only the demand of quantity for food (food security), but also of quality (food safety and food quality) is increasing.


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