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VeRoTour – Venetian routes: Enhancing a shared European multi-cultural sustainable tourism


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VeRoTour - Venetian routes: Enhancing a shared European multi-cultural sustainable tourism, is a project co-financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise and Industry.


The project aims to enhance and implement a trans-national thematic cultural route following the extraordinary and complex system of maritime routes, settlements, defensives fortifications and cultural heritage left by the Venetians under the rule of the Republic of Venetia (the so-called Serenissima) since 1300 and throughout almost five centuries. Basing on a well-developed network of stakeholders and cooperation between the public_private partners of the consortium, the project aims to contribute to the diversification of trans-national thematic tourism offer in Europe, by capitalizing on common cultural heritage on European level and by making of sustainability an essential element for being more competitive as stated in the latest Communication (COM(2010)352), “Europe, the world’s n.1 tourist destination – a new political framework for tourism in Europe”. In the Study on the Impact of European Cultural Routes on SMEs’ innovation and competitiveness” the economic potential of Cultural Routes is put in evidence and Cultural Routes are clearly indicated as a way to enhance competitiveness and sustainability of European tourism. The role of Cultural Routes is furthermore highlighted by intergovernmental organisations as OECD. In the document “The impact of Culture on Tourism” OECD highlights the importance of European cultural routes that allow visitors to rediscover important aspects of heritage and the flows along the routes help stimulate intercultural dialogue and exchange. The project will reinforce the public – private cooperation around the theme of the Venetian influence in Euro-Mediterranean countries and develop an integrated, joint trans-national communication and visibility strategy while developing trans-national tourism product promoting sustainable tourist practices. A high number of small and micro enterprise (SMEs) will be directly involved in the project thanks to a strong participation in the project of chambers of commerce Adriatic and Ionian in the aim to increase SMEs professionalism and thus competitiveness in the context if the new economy.


Overall objectives:

• Capitalize on common Venetian legacy in Europe to diversify European tourist offer

• Promoting sustainable cultural-tourism approach toward Euro-Mediterranean cultural and natural heritage linked to Venetian routes

• Take advantage of the growing importance of the Silk Road tourism to enhance Venetian routes as the European terminus of the Silk Road

• Contributing in the European Union policy of making Europe a more competitive tourist destination

• Creating business opportunities in sustainable cultural tourism sector

• Encouraging local authorities and stakeholders to invest in Venetian routes-related products.


Specific objectives:

• Creating a permanent network and fostering networking among public-private partners

• Developing trans-national tourist offers and packages linked to Venetian legacy in Euro-Mediterranean area as a means to stimulate business opportunities while promoting dialogue, democratic culture and sustainable tourism

• Increasing SMEs capacity and stimulating co-operation among Venetian routes countries and regions while working for ensuring a unique travel experience along the Venetian route

• Developing trans-national communication and branding strategy to increase visibility and market uptake


Project duration: 18 months



Lead Partner: Regione del Veneto (Italy);
Partners: Marco Polo Systhem G.E.I.E. (Italy); World Tourism Organisation (Spain); Region of Crete (Greece); Art Kontakt Quendrat (Albania); Municipality of Palmanova (Italy); Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce (Italy); Venice International University (Italy); Bilkent University Vakif (Turkey); Municipality of Piran (Slovenia); Mocha Tourizm Seyahatlimited Sirketi (Turkey); Amatori TO Srl (Italy); Albanian Tourist Service Office (Albania); Turistika Zajednica Grada Pule UDR (Croatia); Fondacioni Europa (Albania)


Associated partners:
Unioncamere del Veneto (IT); Heraklion Chamber of Commerce (GR); Società Geografica Italiana (IT); Aurora Associazione (IT); Lezha municipality (AL)


Supporting International partners:
Council of Europe Venice Office; UNESCO Venice Office




Project brochure: project brochure


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This project is co-funded by European Union Competitiveness and

Innovation Framework Programme and its call for proposals on

"Support to transnational thematic tourism products"



The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author.

The European Commission is not responsible for any use

that may be made of the information therein.



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