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Professional Communities on the web as a tool for individual training (1999-2000)

Project financed by the Italian Ministry of Work (1999-2000). The project was devoted to experimenting innovative methodologies for continuous training destined to employ waged workers. The project focused on supporting the growth of professional Knowledge families, with specific attention to professional operators, activating 4 professional communities that found in the net the main tool of coordination and information exchange. The professional communities’ web site was a place of training, discussion, comparison for professionals already working in Italian SMEs.


The project aimed at creating professional knowledge through the activation of professional communities that found on the web the main tool for their coordination and a way to exchange information. The professional communiy on the web is the natural meetign point of professionals that cannot find in their firms occasions of growth and that want to use the ICT for their continuing training. Professional Communities on the web are:

· a place of customed training

· a place for qualified services provided by several institutions like Universities, consultants, training centers

· a place for discussion forum addressed to professionals

· a place for the knowledge production through the selection and the editing of materials produced by the members of the community


Lead Partner: Fondazione CUOA

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