
Spring 2015 Globalization Program

Co-curricular, site visits, field trips, rescheduled classes
S1501 History of Venice (Italy core)
S1502 Art and Architecture in Renaissance Venice (Italy core)
S1503 Venice and the Republican Tradition. Self-Governance and Empire in Ancient and Modern Political Philosophy
S1504 Italian Contemporary History in Films (Italy core)
S1506A Italian for Foreigners - beginner level - CEFR A1 (Italy core)
S1506B Italian for Foreigners - beginner level - CEFR A1 (Italy core)
S1506C Italian for Foreigners - beginner level - CEFR A1 (Italy core)
S1506D Italian for Foreigners - intermediate level - CEFR B1 (Italy core)
S1506E Italian for Foreigners - intermediate level - CEFR B1 (Italy core)
S1506F Italian for Foreigners - upper intermediate level - CEFR B2 (Italy core)
S1506G Italian for Foreigners - advanced level
S1507 Intercultural Communication (Cultures of the World core)
S1508 Gender Studies (Cultures of the World core)
S1509 Comparing East and West (Cultures of the World core)
S1510 Literature and the City: A Global Perspective
S1511 Identity, Heritage and Globalization (Global Challenges core)
S1512 Globalization, Ethics, Welfare and Human Rights (Global Challenges core)
S1513 Global Governance for Peace and Security, Cooperation and Development (Global Challenges core) - h 15.15 - 18.30
S1514 Globalization, Environment and Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
S1515 Introduction to Economic Growth (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
S1516 Globalization and Competitiveness: Global Value Chains (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
S1517 Cities, Global Change and Sustainable Development (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
S1518 Coastal Wetlands, Lagoons and Estuaries: Environmental Monitoring and Management (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
S1519 Introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing of Coastal Environments (Sustainable Development Sp. Track)
S1520 Principles of Economics for Non-Economists
S1523 Science Fiction and Postmodernity
S1524 Law and Liberty. Political Freedom in the Modern Tradition
S1525 Psychology of Decision Making in Uncertain World: Introduction to Behavioral Decision Theory and Its Application - short course