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52nd Venice Art Biennale - The Inner-soul Island: Isolation and foolery

Edipo, la Natura è la belva di Dio!

la mia Mente un Luogo sterminato e Tragico,
il mio Cuore un cupo abisso!


The Inner-soul Island: Isolation and foolery, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, is the theme faced by Vettor Pisani, an artist who has investigated, precociously well ahead of others, the incest, the anti-nature, the hostage, the plagiarism, the anti-heroism and the abuse of ideology and of art.

Always in the balance between art and critical quotation, the work of Vettor Pisani proposes a rich mixture of imageries, alchemies, iconographies and contents without any gap between past and present.


pdf Press Release

Venice International University
San Servolo Island
June 7 - August 4, 2007

Curator: Achille Bonito Oliva
Scientific Coordination: Martina Cavallarin 

Opening on June 7, 2007, 17.00

Venice International University in collaboration with Fondazione Morra and Cardelli&Fontana.

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