Globalization Program: Worldwide mobility opportunities for students

Students enrolled in the Fall term 2015 of Venice International University can compete for the Research Internships and Mobility program.


This program is directed to students in any discipline in the second year of their Master's degree registered in any of VIU Member Universities, who are interested in developing a research project for their final thesis on topics related to the courses of the Globalization Program.


Qualified students must prior register and fully attend one semester of courses at VIU (at least two courses) and compete for the research internships at the member universities and other excellent host organizations with whom VIU has signed bilateral agreements. Successful students receive scholarships to contribute to their travel and living costs abroad.


The research internships and the mobility programs are for two to four months and start and end dates are fixed in collaboration with the host organization, depending on the projects pursued.
Students will be selected at the end of their semester at VIU by a committee that will take into account the advice of the Professors teaching courses.


The Call for Applications and application form are currently available here.


Deadline for applications extended to September 15, 2015.


For further information please contact the offices of VIU's School of Humanities and Social Sciences:
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(+39) 041 2719 511




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