Ministry of Science and Technology Training on High-Technology and Science Parks for Sustainable Development

In recent years science and technology industrial parks in China have seen a steep increase in number, pushed by the country's investments in innovation and research programs for the support of economic growth. The first science and technology park in the Asian country was launched in 1988 in Beijing, and now there are more than 105 of them, all officially recognized.
Since the definition of what a science park is and of what are its functions is not exactly the same in all countries, the aim of the course "High-Technology and Science Parks for Sustainable Development" is to introduce Italian science parks and their role in promoting innovation and linking the research and production worlds to find new technologies in the framework of sustainable development.

During the 12-days stay in Italy, from June 21 to July 2, the 27 participants selected by the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology, will be introduced to the Italian policies for the promotion of clean technologies and incentives available to foster innovations. The role of both local agencies for innovation and science parks will be explained combining class lectures and site visits, such as the Tecnopolo Tiburtino in Rome, the Science and Technology Park of Udine, VEGA in Venice, POINT – Innovation and Technology Center in Dalmine and the Environment Park in Turin.

Further details can be found in the training course agenda at the Sustainable Development Community website.
More info on the TEN Center activities can be found at this link.

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