Beijing and Shanghai Municipal EPBs Course on Water Management

For the fourth year, the Municipalities of Beijing and Shanghai join forces and send officials from their Environmental Protection Bureaus to attend the Advanced Training Program on Environmental Management organized in Italy by VIU.


This year a course on “Water and Ecological Management” is organized on May 8 -18 for a delegation of 30 participants, with lecturing sessions and site visits in Venice, Bologna and Rome.


Water ecological management is a core topic for China and even if the two Municipalities live different realities, they have common problems and can share possible solutions, to start a positive cooperation process.


With this purpose, the training course is composed of a mix of lectures focusing on several aspects of water management, such as EU Policy and Law on Water Protection, Water Basin Management and Control, Integrated Groundwater Management, Ecological Surface Water Management.


Other topics such as Water Pollution Monitoring and Urban Social Water Cycle are addressed during the site visits to ProAmbiente (Bologna), Veritas Ca’ Solaro Potabilization Plant (Venice) and Veritas PIF Water Treatment Plant (Venice). Site visits are aimed at involving the participants through a direct experience of the main topics of the course, while the presentation of examples and concrete cases during the lecturing sessions will hopefully raise a fruitful knowledge exchange.


More info on the TEN Center activities can be found at this link.




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