Impact of Nutrition for Rehabilitation of Older Patients 2015

Venice International University

San Servolo Island

December 10-12, 2015

Tuition Fees: 500€

Tuition fee includes: 2-day interactive training course, a course binder, lunches and coffee breaks for the duration of the course and two social dinners



250€ in single room, 2 breakfasts

400€ in double room for a single occupancy 2 breakfasts(+ extra costs for any companion)

personal data Personal data

The data required for this application are marked with a red asterisk.

invoice Accommodation

Accommodation type *

Room type *

invoice Visa

Do you require a visa to enter the Schengen Zone?

pagamenti Fees

The tuition fee should be settled by bank transfer within 12 days from submitting the registration form.

Bank transfer to:


IBAN: IT 83 B 02008 02025 000040539529


NOTE: to confirm your participation a scan of the prof of payment should be sent to


Please indicate to whom the invoice should be entitled

If physical person:

If institution:

privacy Privacy

I agree to allow Venice International University to use my personal data for administrative purposes or services provided by the University (Italian Law 196/03)

I agree *

Type the characters you're seeing in the picture below

fatturazione For further information:

Venice International University Isola di San Servolo 30100 Venice - Italy Tel. +39 041 2719 511 Fax +39 041 2719 510 e-mail: Tea Stifanic