
S0716 Political Liberalism in the 20th Century

With a modern liberal political thinking in Germany starts Max Weber in the 20th century, differing between politics and sciences, in a way that politics can only escape its ideological character, when it looks for scientific information, which is not mainly dominated by structure which involves also aspects of social justice, which legitimates on the one side social differences but on the other looks also to help the poor.

Rawls similar as Habermas widens the concept of political liberalism in a social direction. Both try to give political liberalism again a rationalistic concept, after American pragmatism in the beginning of the 20th century reduced the claim of rationalization.

But the lecture will not only show the development of political liberalism in the 20th century without having also a look to its critics, especially to Leo Strauss, who criticizes that liberalism give up the question of the good, of the good life, the difference between good and evil, that leads to a crisis of ethics, which threatens modern society.