
S0816 Anthropology and the Motion Picture: Representing other Cultures in the Hollywood Films

This course focuses on the representation of other cultures in the genre of Hollywood film. Three areas of the world (Africa, Italy, and the South Pacific) will be the primary focus of study. For each of these areas, we will view four popular motion pictures and analyze the representations of otherness in them. Analysis will proceed in line with current theoretical issues in anthropology and related disciplines.
Members of the class are expected to do the following:
- attend both class sessions each week, one of which will normally
be a film screening
- conduct independent research on the Internet each week and submit a
written report each Monday
- once during the semester, prepare and present an oral report on the questions
submitted for that week
- read the materials assigned for each week PRIOR to each W class session
- write 3 short papers of 5-10 pages in length (due dates below)
- take unannounced short quizzes (3-4 quizzes total, lasting 15 minutes each
in length)
Web Assignment
As a part of this class, you are asked to spend some time each week researching the week\'s film on the Internet. By Monday midnight, please submit online (as directed) a brief report about the types of sources, information, and issues you have found. In your report, assess the quality of these sites, and then list the 5 most important (in your opinion) topics and/or questions that emerged from your research. Make this report short and to the point, covering not more than a single double-spaced page, including the listing of questions/topics/issues. In addition to the copy you submit online, please submit a hard copy on Tuesday. Attach the first page (only) of the top 10 Internet sites you found to the hard copy that you turn in on Tuesday in class.
An article or book chapter will be assigned for reading during most weeks of the term. All of these materials can be found online.
Schedule of Films
The primary films to be studied this semester are listed below. In most instances, we will devote a week to the study of the main film. Additional clips from related films will be shown in class. However, the primary films are to be viewed outside class prior to the beginning of each week’s classes.