
F0512 An Examination of Cultural Myths and Stereotypical Cultural Images

Alex kerr (2001) has suggested that much of what has been written about Japan in the last 50 years has come from authors viewing the country through rose-tinted spectacles. The course will examine some of the popular images about Japan and its culture and consider how they originated and the extent to which they are valid. Is there a case for reassessing much of what modern-day Japan is though to represent? The topics chosen for discussion will be wide and varied, including amongst others, Japan and its love of nature, Japanese concepts of beauty, Japan\'s preoccupation with ruthless efficiency in business, the Japanese education system, Japanese fashion, and Japanese animation.Students in the course will also be expected to make some presentations either in groups or individually, examining some of the stereotypical images and myths within their own cultural backgrounds, and drawing contrasting parallels with Japan and other cultural settings. A reading list and detailed course outline will be given at the beginning of the semester.