
S1318 Global Families

Lahad Kinneret

The plurality of family forms nowadays have led to increased attention to what is often perceived as the de-mystification of marriage and the overall “breakdown” of family life in its standard or traditional forms. Many speak of the “crisis” or “death” of the family and consider various “anti-family” mores as undermining the family institution. However, recent sociological literatures also indicate that the family continues to be a primary symbol of unconditional social and moral values. This course will focus on recent theoretical developments in studies of family life within the context of globalization. Thus, it will introduce and analyze some of the key themes, preoccupations and debates that have preoccupied the studies of family life within the context of globalization for the last decade. The tone of the course will be analytical and will critically scrutinize contemporary conceptions of the family, domesticity, intimacy, intergenerational relations, coupledom and parenthood. Questions explored in this class will include the exploration of “new families”, family and migration, transnational adoption, sexual tourism, surrogacy, queer families, filial norms, care, solidarity and obligation, women trafficking and mail order brides as they are affected and reconstituted in a global dynamics.