New short course on Psychology of Decision Making: register now!

The Globalization Program enhances the Spring 2015 academic offering with a new short course, from April 13 until May 29:
Psychology of Decision Making in Uncertain World: Introduction to Behavioral Decision Theory and Its Application” held by professor Kazuhisa Takemura from Waseda University.


 “To select the optimal alternative”: although decision-making broadly refers to the function of consciousness to make a decision (the "best decision-making” in the world of business), models centred on the psychological processes related to such a selection of decision strategies have been applied widely in different fields as economics, business administration, and engineering, and are expected to become useful in the future.


This short course focusing on the psychological knowledge related to people’s decision-making behavior will be available for all VIU students registered to the Spring 2015 term.
Extraordinary registrations are available for new students from Ca’ Foscari, Iuav and Padova Universities, to apply write to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it within Thursday, 9 April, specifying: your personal data, study degree and matriculation number.


This short course will start after the midterm break, from April 13, every Monday and Wednesday at 1.30-3 pm.

Exam week: May 25-29, 2015.
The course corresponds to 3 ECTS, attendance is compulsory during the 20 h of lessons
N.B. Students exceeding 15% of course length absences may not be admitted to the final exam.


More details about course description




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