Two courses of the Advanced Training Program in June 2014

Two courses of the Advanced Training Program are taking place in Italy in June 2014.


The Environmental Protection Bureaus of Beijing and Shanghai will jointly participate in the "Air Quality" training course on June 8-18. Despite having different backgrounds, the two Municipalities will be able to discuss together the importance of air monitoring and GHG, VOC, CO2 emission control, as well as all the issues related to air quality, looking for new shared strategies and policies to be implemented for the benefit of their citizens.


A second delegation selected by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) will be in Italy from June 21 to July 2 to attend a course on "High-Technology and Science Parks for Sustainable Development". The training agenda is designed to highlight the links between research and industry, their collaborative efforts and work for supporting innovation, and to present the activity of Italian science and technology parks and their role in the promotion of innovation and high-technologies in a variety of fields.


Please check our SDcommunity training section for further information on the Sino-Italian Cooperation Program training courses and their agendas.

More info on the TEN Center activities can be found at this link.



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