Summer School on Ageing: Application open

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VIU is pleased to announce that there will be partial scholarships available for participation in the 2014 edition of the summer school. The application deadline is May 16.

The school is  intended to improve the quality and to increase the volume of student and teaching staff mobility throughout Europe offering to students a set of activities to deepen the understanding of the ageing process ranging from some basic notions of the medical and epidemiological literature, to an extensive treatment of economics (pensions and retirement, ageing in society and intergenerational relationships) and social sciences (role of family networks).


The School, from June 3 to June 7, 2014, is addressed to mainly graduate and PhD students in economics, medicine, political science, psychology and sociology. Moreover, high level policy makers and high level officials in public and private institutions will be admitted if their background is adequate.


For further information please visit the Summer School on Ageing webpage.

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