Training on Industrial Energy Efficiency for the Chinese MIIT

From July 17 to 31, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of P.R. of China (MIIT) will take part in a training on “Industrial Energy Efficiency”.


MIIT training will open in Rome at the Italian Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea with three days devoted to important topics such as: promoting industrial energy efficiency; industrial energy efficiency management and Italian projects for industrial energy efficiency. Lecturers form IMELS, FIRE, ENEA and WEC Italy are involved to present and discuss these key topics.


Then the training will continue at VIU in Venice with lectures on energy efficiency policies, energy management systems and technologies for energy efficiency. To provide a comprehensive overview of these topics several experts are involved. Lecturers are coming both from Universities - Venice, Padua, Siena and Trento - and from enterprises dealing with different aspects of energy management - Polo Tecnologico per l’Energia S.r.l., Galileia S.r.l., eEnergia S.r.l..


Furthermore, the training will face the practical aspects of industrial energy efficiency, since seven site visits are included in the program. Italian companies such as Ceramica Dolomite, Tifs, Padua Interport, Hiref, Burgo, Turboden, and POINT can provide good examples of the application of energy efficiency strategies.



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