A blue dawn: Art Night Venezia 2016 at San Servolo, June 19

Art, culture and creativity lead the night of Venice on June 18, 2016: a marathon of open events throughout the city, involving galleries, associations, main cultural institutions, Venetian palaces, calli and campielli.

This year Venice ‪Art Night‬ lands on San Servolo island and continues for the first time until Sunday morning, with special after hours events:


Sunday 19 June, an open air breakfast, a kids creative lab and a lecture about creativity welcome you from 7am on, in the beautiful framework of San Servolo gardens.

1600x600 artnight




from 7.00 am “Le petit déjeuner en blu-Indigo Mix Jacquard Malìparmi”

an open air breakfast with an exclusive pic-nic in blue: participants can bring food, drinks and flatware, but also pinwheels, summer hats, tablecloths, balls and soap bubbles... Sustainable equipment, respect for the garden cleaning and blue accessories will be most welcome.
Lucky participants will be awarded a pillow or cloth during a raffle sponsored by Malìparmi textile.
Arrivals from 7 to 09.45 am.
The event is organized in collaboration with Venice International University, Collegio Internazionale Ca’ Foscari and Servizi Metropolitani di Venezia.


10.45 am: “A San Servolo mi diverto”

a creative laboratory for children (5-12 year old) and families to learn with fun.
Organized Ca’rte Lab - Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia - Dipartimento di Filosofia e Beni culturali


11.30 am: “La creatività è dall’altra parte del vento"

by renown advertiser and creator Oliviero Toscani. An open talk on creativity, image, and communication.


Details and reservation: http://www.unive.it/pag/15693/


San Servolo colours in blue!


a3artnightvenezia 2016 locandina webArt Night Venezia 2016, now in its sixth edition. An original idea by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in collaboration with the City of Venice, that will “free up the night”. Full program: http://www.artnight.it/pag/11331/


The interview to the organizers (press conference, Ita): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUdhj6g2aUU










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