Thursday, 16 November 2006, 5pm
Venice and Globalization
Michael Hardt, Duke University
Discussant Stefano Micelli, Dean, Venice International University

Michael Hardt is professor of Literature and Romance Studies at Duke University. He is co-author with Antonio Negri of Empire and Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire. His research interests are twentieth century Italian literary theory, globalization and coloniality. During the Fall 2006 semester he is teaching two courses in VIU’s Joint Undergraduate Program: Venice and Globalization and Italian Culture and Society in the 1960’s and 1970’s.

The lecture series is open to the public.

Thursday, 7 December 2006, 5pm
Sinking and Shrinking Cities: New Orleans & Venice
Berndt Ostendorf, Ludwig Maximilians Universität
Discussant: Corrado Clini, Director General, Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea

Berndt Ostendorf is professor of North American Cultural Studies at Ludwig Maximilians Universität. Current research includes New Orleans culture and politics, evangelical fundamentalism and African-American studies. During the Fall 2006 semester he is teaching two courses in VIU's Joint Undergraduate Program: "Conspiracy Nation: conspiracy theories from the Illuminati to the X-Files" and "Americanism, Americanization, Anti-Americanism: Transatlantic Relations in the age of Globalization".


Venice and Globalization and Sinking and Shrinking Cities: New Orleans & Venice are the first two topics addressed in this lectures series promoted by VIU, in collaboration with Marsilio, to give a platform to international and local professors to discuss key issues in current debate.


The lecture series is open to the public.

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