TRIM - Transport Infrastructure Monitoring -Interreg IV Italy Austria – Objective European territorial cooperation 2007 - 2013

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Main objective: Guarantee the accessibility and reach the green goals
activities: improvement of the informatics infrastructure of the traffic for the long term street management planning; improvement of the status of the art graphic street signs in order to:

  • harmonize the structure of the graphic sign contents in order to better manage the trans frontier and multi modality viability, the restoration of the infrastructure, the Government and the management of the street security.
  • improve the transfer of information and the clearness of regulation through the definition and the practice of the organizational process for the better usage of graphics and infrastructure.
  • augment the traffic security through the monitoring and the accessibility of information  based on the analysis of the security measures at each network level

Duration: 2008/2011
Lead partner: Government of Carinthia
Partners: Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia, Regione del Veneto Unità Complessa Logistica, Venice International University

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