VIULife - The Catalog


Venice International University presented the VIULife: Billboards catalog, published by Marsilio, in May 2006. The catalog, through its 64 pages and 73 color photographs, describes the making of the process, and depicts the photographic billboards and their final installation in the university spaces in the island of San Servolo, where they decorate research, undergraduate and staff areas. The artists' web site is


VIULIFE: Billboards project

Stefano Micelli - Dean of VIU
Lorenzo Cinotti -  Curator
Alessandro Spezzamonte -  Administrative Supervisor
Laura Scarpa - Press Officer
Orla McLaughlin- Communications and Undergraduate Supervisor
Igor Folca-Nash - Logistics Supervisor


Lorenzo Cinotti - Editor
Graphic design - Tapiro, Venezia
Translations - Just! Venice
Making of photographs - VIU staff
In situ photographs - Stefano Graziani

VIULife logo by Peppe Clemente_cheste, Venezia

Thanks to

All the students, researchers, professors, staff of VIU and SSAV who participated in the project.
Luigino Busatto, Fulvio Landillo, Consuelo Puricelli, Carlo Castiglioni, Michela Tommasini, Massimo Busetto, Giorgio Tonolo, Giorgio Lanza (San Servolo Servizi).
Luigi Armiato (Irsesc).
Sandro Lirussi, Walter Command, Giuliano Beggiato (Camst).
Claudio Pereira.
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