
San Servolo Island enters GARR Consortium broadband network


Early this January the Island of San Servolo entered GARR internet network.


GARR is the non-profit Italian national broadband consortium dedicated to research and education communities that offers high level connections and advanced services to foster innovation and international cooperation.

A cable connection of 12 km linking San Servolo island to the nearest node at Ca’ Foscari University now enables the users in the island to reach a navigation speed up to 1 Gbps.

This achievement has been made possible thanks to the cooperation between the institutions based on the island: Venice International University, Università Ca’ Foscari with its International College, Accademia delle Belle Arti di Venezia and San Servolo - Servizi metropolitani di Venezia.

Being part of GARR network, they are now directly linked to research institutions worldwide and can benefit from a number of services and opportunities, such as high quality videoconference calls, multimedia applications, remote controlled software, the possibility to use services like the European university wifi system eduroam, and IDEM and eduGAIN systems for the management of digital identity.

Great appreciation has been expressed by the representatives of all the institutions involved.


For more information see the press release of the Garr consortium (in Italian)