
Visualizing Venice Summer School, 5th edition


 foto ghetto

Digital Visualization Training Workshop 2016: the Ghetto of Venice

Mapping and Modeling the Venice Ghetto


June 8-20, 2016


Applications closed on March 31, 2016.


What is it about?

Digital Technologies for Historical and Cultural visualization are transforming the ways that scholars
can study and represent works of art, as well as growth and change in urban spaces and buildings. With the support of The Getty Foundation as part of its Digital Art History initiative, The Wired! Lab at Duke University, Università Iuav di Venezia, the University of Padua, and Venice International University are collaborating on a Summer Workshop that will train Art, Architectural and Urban Historians with the digital media that can enhance or transform their research questions and their capacity to communicate narratives about objects, places and spaces to the public.
Instruction will be in English.

The course will engage with the Ghetto of Venice on the 500th anniversary of its creation as case
study for training with a variety of technologies and applications. (On June 19th there will be the opening of an exhibition dedicated to the history of the Ghetto curated by Prof. Donatella Calabi).



Mark Olson and Victoria Szabo, Duke University

Senior Advisors

Caroline Bruzelius, Duke University

Donatella Calabi, Università Iuav di Venezia

Teaching Assistants

Ludovica Galeazzo, Università Iuav di Venezia

Hannah Jacobs, Erica Sherman and Edward Triplett, Duke University


Paolo Borin, Università degli Studi di Padova

Gianmario Guidarelli, Università degli Studi di Padova


Course description

The summer course will teach a range of digital skills in mapping, 3D modeling, mobile application
development, and time based media authorship to enable participants to engage historical questions with emerging digital tools. The technologies are taught through the use of a theme, which for the summer of 2016 is “The Ghetto of Venice”.
During the first week of the course participants will learn techniques for digital production by drawing
upon existing research materials. Each day, participants will learn about a different type of digital media production within the context of how that type of reconstruction is typically used in digital art and architectural history.
During the second week, the participants will work collaboratively to create projects using the tools they have learned, with the goal of creating high-quality, public-facing research products suitable for a general audience, as well as identifying potential areas to explore in their own future research.


Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes include: familiarity and facility with digital media production tools for digital art
and architectural history; awareness of the critical and practical challenges to the fields that digital
production techniques pose; understanding of the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of digital
media authorship as an intervention into digital heritage and lived experience of the city.


Who can apply?
The workshop is designed for Ph.D or Post doctoral participants in the Interpretive Humanities (including Cultural Patrimony, History of Art, Architecture and Urbanism, History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and other relevant disciplines).

Preference will be given to Ph.D. students and recent Ph.D. graduates in History of Art, Architecture and Urbanism.
Instruction will be in English, of which participants must have an adequate working knowledge.
Maximum number of participants: 16


Applications are now closed
Program structure

The course duration is 12 days. Participants should expect to be engaged full time in during the twelve
days. Participants should plan to arrive June 7 and depart June 21.

An official Duke University/Università Iuav/Venice International University joint Certificate will be issued at the end of the course.
Number of ECTS credits allocated: 3
Duration and Period
12 days, June 8 – 20, 2016

Venice International University on the island of San Servolo in the Venetian Lagoon is an ideal setting
for onsite study. Participants can live in the housing facilities of the island of San Servolo, or arrange for accommodation in the city of Venice.


Tuition and Scholarships
Tuition fees are euro 1,000 (+22%VAT).
Scholarships are available in order to support tuition, travel, board and accommodation expenses.
Thanks to the generosity of the Getty Foundation.
Contacts and info:
Venice International University
Isola di San Servolo
30133 Venice
T +39 041 2719511
F +39 041 2719510
E This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it, This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Visualizing Venice summer workshop is organized by Venice International University and jointly promoted by:


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With the support of: