
Innovation in Public Administration, e-government and e-democracy


In the last years TeDIS has deepened the topic of innovation in Public Administration, and in particular the role of  Information and Communication Tehnologies in supporting strategies and activities covered by public institutions, agencies and single offices, both at national and at local level. The introduction and upgrade of technologies can also sustain the relation among different institutions and the dialogue and interaction with citizens, enterpirses and associations.

This area comprehend the following topics:

- e-government

- e-democracy

- technologies and new communication models for Culture and Tourism


e-government research activities are focused on strategies, models and actions related to the introduction and widespreading of ICTs in order to  improve the activities of public sector organizations, evolve processes, connecting different orgnizations and users. They take into account different channels and instruments available and how they can be organized, in a global strategy. 


e-democracy research activities are focused on atrategies and ways for building external interaction and facilitate citizens' participation to political and administrative issues.


TeDIS research activities have been deepened in the field of Culture and Tourism, in order to support Public Institution in the analysis and implementation of new models and innovative strategies of valorization and communication of cultural heritage and touristic resources based on ICT and new media.



Related Project


TeDIS has been partner of a large number of projects leaded by Local Institutions, whose aims are the research, experimentation and diffusion of a new use of ICT in the public sector.

- P3@Veneti

- Broad Band and Digital Agenda

- Veneto Region - framework agreement

- Veneto Region - valorization of Cultural Heritage

- Arpav - framework agreement

- My Portal

- Citizen iTV

- Guidelines for the development of the Information Society in Veneto Region

- Strategic plan for the razionalization, upgrading and improvememnt of the regional portal for Tourism



Reports and Publications

- V.V.A.A, Luca De Pietro (curator): "Dieci lezioni per capire e attuare l'egovernment"; Marsilio Ricerche editore, 2011

- Broad Band Diffusion Report in Veneto Region 2010

- V.V.A.A. Luca De Pietro (curator); "L'evoluzione dei modelli e delle tecnologie per la partecipazione dei cittadini: l'esperienza del Consiglio Regionale del Veneto"; Marsilio editore, 2010.

- Broad Band Diffusion Report in Veneto Region 2009

- B. Da Ronch; L. De Pietro; I.Mannino; E. Mattiuzzo; "Strategie e approcci per la gestione del rischio industriale"; FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2009.

- AA.vv., 2007 Citizens iTV: un modello di servizi per il territorio attraverso la televisione digitale terrestre. Il progetto sperimentale della Regione del Veneto, FrancoAngeli, Milano.

-  Di Maria E., Micelli S., 2004 (editors), On Line Citizenship. Emerging Technologies for European Cities, Springer, New York

- Di Maria E., Micelli S., 2004 (edited by), Le frontiere dell’e-government: cittadinanza elettronica e riorganizzazione dei servizi, FrancoAngeli, Milan