

Under Creativity, Territories and innovation research area, VIU-TeDIS participates in ekmdicamo, italian acronym for Electronic Knowledge Management in Sportswear Industrial District of Montebelluna. ekmdicamo

The project aims at developing and consolidating a community of designers and creative people within the province of Treviso and within the sportswear district of Montebelluna. In particular, ekmdicamo wants to foster the aggregation of designers and creative people and increase the visibility of these professional figures both at local and national/international level.
New technologies play a key role in the project.

A Web portal has been developed in order to make easier for designers to meet each other and exchange experience and knowledge. Moreover, the portal wants to be the place where designers have the opportunity to post their works and portfolios and establish connections with local enterprises.

This project is co-financed by Regione Veneto and Chamber of Commerce of Treviso and is coordinated by Treviso Tecnologia.

For further information about this project, please visit: or