

20 May 2008, 5 pm
Multiculturalism: A New Era for the Liberal Nation-State?
Menachem Mautner, Daniel Rubinstein Professor, Faculty of Law, Tel Aviv University
Discussant: Francesca Coin, Lecturer of Sociology of Immigration at Ca' Foscari University

Prof. Mautner will be talking about how multiculturalism is challenging traditional assumptions about the nation-state and liberal political theory.

Menachem Mautner is currently teaching two courses in the Semester Program of the VIU School of Humanities and Social Sciences: Law from a Cultural Perspective and Multiculturalism in a Liberal State.
His fields of interest are Comparative Civil Law and Jurisprudence.

21 May 2008, 5 pm
Cities and Tolerance. Diversity, Creativity and Growth

Neil De Marchi, Professor, Department of Economics, Duke University
Marina Bianchi, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Cassino
Discussant: Pierluigi Crosta, Professor of Urban Policies at IUAV University

Prof. De Marchi and Prof. Bianchi will argue on the importance of human diversity in generating urban development.

Neil De Marchi and Marina Bianchi are currently working on a project on the changing role of the artist in commerce with ICARE and the VIU TeDis Center and teaching The Economics of Creative Goods in the VIU School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The lecture series is open to the public.