
The Automotive Ecosystem on the Global Road to Sustainability


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On October 15-16, major experts from academia and industry, together with policy makers and NGOs representatives will be gathered at Venice International University to bring personal experiences, empirical evidence and institutional positions on the issue of sustainability in the automotive industry.


Through presentations, keynote speeches and open discussions the Symposium will contribute to build a shared vision on sustainability. Specifically,the discussion will address the following key-questions:

- Which are the main differences in the sustainability regulation between Asia, Europe and America?
How do these differences affect the competitive ecosystem? Is there a unique perspective on what
sustainability means across global corporations, or there is rather a variety of standpoints?

- Do investments in sustainability operated by firms affect their financial performance? Which is the
rationale for a company for investing in sustainability and disclosing the actual sustainability results?

- Do the final market (consumers) perceive the sustainability issue as a relevant factor in orienting the
purchase process and, in general, the choice of a product?


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