
Italia in Movimento: Direttrici e Paesaggi dall'Unità d'Italia ad oggi

The exhibition "Italy in Motion: Directions and Landscapes from the Unification of Italy to the Present" has been promoted by the Società Geografica Italiana curated by Professor Margherita Azzari, University of Florence, on the occasion of the celebration for the 150-year Unification of Italy.

The exhibition, after having been successfully presented in Rome and Florence, was opened to the public at VIU on November 9: about 80 photographs, ordered into six sections, trace the history of Italy, following the common threads of landscape transformations.

Therefore this is not an exhibition devoted to celebrating the beauties of the Italian landscape, nor is a systematic and complete indictment of the disasters that have irreparably destroyed large areas of the country. Rather it is an exhibition devoted to the transformation Italy has undergone, with different timing, speed and results, which in mabìny cases are still underway. It is a gallery of moving landscapes.
